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Writer's pictureKatherine Young

Instruments For God’s Use

“If anyone, then, knows the GOOD they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is a sin for them”

James 4:17



“The thief had been caught red headed after stealing from homes in a nice,  populated neighborhood.


The detectives ask the perpetrator: “Why had he been so brazen, choosing to break into homes in broad daylight with so many witnesses present?”


The thief’s response was surprising: “I knew they wouldn’t do anything; people never do”


This shocking comment thief made is what’s called, “Guilty Knowledge” 


Basically, it’s choosing to ignore something, or should I say, “what we know is wrong” even though we know something evil and senseless is being committed.


In the scripture above, James, addressed a similar kind of guilty knowledge by saying, “If anyone, then, knows the GOOD they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is a sin for them.


For all of you reading this blog on today, I know you can sense that we are living in some very tumultuous times. The news media is practically airing none stop, different opinions and biased laced commentaries. All of them spewing different lies, even if the TRUTH is evident. Evident meaning, Bloop…! It’s on video!

Yet still, many will believe a lie, even after we have witness it with their own eyes, and heard it with their own ears.


Here in lies the problem for me: It grieves me when “we” as the church do this. The TRUTH is evident in God’s word, we read it, we attend church on Sunday’s and midweek services, but we find it hard to tell the truth about what we ourselves are doing, or other things that’s straight-up, and sho’nuff quite evident, that are seen and heard! 


“Guilty Knowledge”: This term is used when you know that an unlawful or awful situation exists but you choose to ignore it.

My friend, the Bible calls that sin.


It seems we love to protect a lie, or should I say, “turn our heads” for our own self-preservation’s sake.


The Word of God tells us; that God has designed us to be agents of good in the world. In the book of Ephesians 2:10 it says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”


These good works are not what the “world” considers good, but rather the results of changed hearts by the working of the Holy Spirit, who takes up residence in our lives. But this is only true if we say we are His.  Which means, we should see and address issues differently from His perspective, and what His word says.


We can no longer “flirt” with lies and pray for God to fix the messes we’ve created, which are now giant “Ishmael’s” staring us down each day; because we choose the way of a lie, or the things that helps us to feel the most comfortable when we know we are wrong.


Some of you may be saying, “Well, my lies are just little white lies that don’t harm anyone!” Can I tell you; a “little white lie” is still a lie no matter how you frame it…


Or,  you may be saying, “I didn’t say anything because its going to cause more drama, and I don’t want to deal with that!” Can I tell you; your hands will still be dirty…


Fam, we must become instruments of TRUTH, which leads to good and righteous works showcased before all man to see, who in turn will glorify our God!  


I know it can be hard sometimes to confront issues, especially with those we love. But if we don’t, God is going to hold us accountable; “because we knew to do right but didn’t”


That even speaks to the world we live in. We should not be agreeing with evil and its many appearances. The word of God is clear on that. It’s no way you can fix it up, or make it appear to be something else. It’s still a LIE!


People of God, as God’s workmanship, may we “ALL” yield to His purposes and the empowering work of His Holy Spirit in us, so that we can be His instruments for GOOD in a world that so desperately needs Him.




“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth”

3 John 1: 4





Blogger: Katherine P. Young


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