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Writer's pictureKatherine Young

The BIG Payback!

Updated: May 8

8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with a blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

1 Peter 3: 8-9


On Sunday, April 14th, I was captivated in worship at my home church, and out of nowhere I heard the word “Recompense” as clear as a bell! Mind you, I kept hearing it, over and over again during worship. Then, I begin to sense the many trials, and heartaches that had affected me for the past few years. I sensed immediately, that God was assuring me that, He sees me, and that He was going to bring a stop, to the enemy’s pillage in my life.


Finally, after all the tears and the overwhelming presence of God, when worship concluded, I grabbed my phone to look up it’s meaning. But first, can I tell you that the word, “Recompense” is not a word I use in my everyday vocabulary, and I thought I knew it’s meaning, however, I wanted to be sure.


Recompense” is defined as:

a: to give something to by way of compensation (as for a service rendered or damage incurred)

b. make amends to (someone) for loss or harm suffered; to compensate. “Offenders should recompense their victims.”

c: to pay for…

d: to return in kind : REQUITE, or to Avenge.


After reading this definition in its entirety, I physically “shook’ in my seat! God was letting me know with all certainty, that He was about to wreck what had been wrecking me for the last few years!


He was about to “Re-Pay” me for harm suffered, loss time, and tears cried, etc.!


As soon as church was over, I ran and told my husband with much excitement, what the Lord had spoken to me; and that I knew without a shadow-of-doubt” God had spoken clearly to me!


Let’s be clear, I’m not one to casually say, God said….


Because, I know I will be held accountable of what “I said, He said, if He didn’t say it!” I have to carefully ponder over that word a bit, before I release it as a word of the Lord.


Anyway, the rest of the day, this word “Recompense” would not leave me alone. I kept hearing it and feeling it deep-down in my very being. Then as He does most times, Father God, started to send me “confirmations” of what He has said to me. Rather it’s during my Bible reading times, in dreams, articles, or through another, man or women of God. He always without fail, confirms it as a “YES” as if to say: “I said what I said” to assure me it was Him!


Yet even so, intuitively I knew not only was He speaking to me, but I also knew this word was for others in the Body of Christ, who had experienced some treacherous and tumultuous times.


Many of you reading this have cried many tears, fought off endless attacks, and didn’t think you would make your way out. You could barley read your word, let alone pray. But somehow, you still kept your footing after each tremendous blow from your adversary, being wearied and feeling totally defeated.


Nonetheless, you remained standing while keeping your integrity intact when you knew your emotions wanted you to lash out and hit back!


But here’s the good news!


Since you remained steadfast and passed the test, It’s your, BIG PAYBACK time!


Yes, it’s “Recompense” time!  God is about to compensate you for the hardships you have suffered and survived! He’s about to “Avenge” you!


So, get ready!


 9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. (At just the right time) we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9


People of God, I don’t know how your “Recompense” is coming, or how it may look. It may be mental fortitude, healings, financial compensation, etc. But believe, it’s coming!


Quick Note: Let me slow down a bit and clear something up before I close this blog out.


Recompense” is for those who suffered evil consequences without a cause, not from the things “they caused.” Some of us are deceived when we think we will receive anything from God, when we have been part of the problem. Many have suffered because of you, and you allowing yourself to be used of the enemy. It’s sad but true, it’s tight, but it’s right!


But then again, our God is such a “Just” God, He is continually extending Grace, even to the perpetrators of many of these acts. So, respectfully “Repent” for the pain(s) you have caused others. Theres no condemnation; he loves us! If I were to be honest, I had some cleaning up in this area to do myself.

"As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." James 5:11

The story of Job serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of perseverance and patience in the face of suffering and trials. Just stay still, and see the salvation of the Lord!

He fights for you!

Enjoy your “DUE” season Fam!


BLOGGER: Katherine P. Young

CONNECT WITH ME ON: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter


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May 30

This was awesome!


May 09

Thank you for sharing this! I needed to read this!

May 10
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You are so welcome🌻

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